
O Christmas Decision Tree

As an ad agency specializing in inclusion there are some holiday questions we often face. Whom do we wish? When? How? And, if we do it wrong, will we be trolled? 
Allow us to be the star that guides you this Christmas. 
Presenting the Barrett and Welsh Christmas Decision Tree.
Merry Christmas.
From me and all the decision-tree-huggers at Barrett and Welsh
*Note: please respect those who prefer not to be hugged or kissed and offer beer or curry instead.
Caution: Hugging or kissing the following may be injurious to your health: cacti, porcupines, puffer fish, pythons and aliens who are nicknamed Spike.
Gavin Barrett is Chief Creative Officer and Ideawallah at Barrett and Welsh. Toronto's most award-winning multicultural ad agency, Barrett and Welsh was mostly recently awarded the Star of Christmas by Santa Claus, in recognition of annual contributions made to Christmas merriment above and beyond the call of duty.

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