

Welcome to our multcult marketing adventures.

The things we've done, heard about, and heard done to others.

We hope to serve a dim sum feast of derring-do, a ghotala of gumption.
Those who get it will be held up. Those who don't will be yelled down.

Welcome to Bheja Bazaar.

It's located at the intersection of knowledge and je ne sais quoi.
Where menudo meets vindaloo. Where turbans meet kilts.
Where political correctness meets the Grim Reaper.

If you have a bowlful of rice to throw into the congee, be our guest.
If you have gunpowder for the pepper water, sau putr ho.

Bring your hoary old stories, you storied old whores.
Bring your tired, your weary, your multicultural cliches.

Bring your brains.

Step right in.
Mabuhay. Swagatam.

Gavin Barrett

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